Monday, July 23, 2012

Discipline? ...What's that?

In response to the comments posted by readers of a certain post [Saying Yes to Sex (as God Intended)], I decided I would try to smooth things out between the seemingly oppressive church and the indignant. The below post was also written in the comments section of the article:
All sins are viewed equally in the eyes of God, however, not all sin has the same consequence. I opine that the church propagates sexual abstinence outside of marriage simply because intercourse a) involves two individuals, henceforth tainting two individuals and b) is an action that cannot be physically rectified. Though lying certainly can (and often times does) lead to an unintended action, once you have had sex, you cannot 'unsex' yourself or anyone else.) The trouble with this perspective is it implies that, even after we have become renewed in the spirit, our souls and bodies are separate. Essentially it implies that we can repent and be forgiven spiritually, but not physically. As we know, however, the Bible states that once we accept the atonement we wholly belong to God and, in fact, our bodies are to be treated as temples of the Lord.
I agree the church has inflated the consequences of sexual sin, but (I believe) with good intentions in mind. However, it should be universally understood that scare tactics do not keep people from having or thinking about sex. That being said, let us not be so naive to think that sexual transgression is confined to out of wedlock intercourse.
I conclude from my life experiences and individuals I have spoken with that, from a physical standpoint, one can only combat the temptations of sexual desire with one thing this society perspicuously lacks: DISCIPLINE.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Aurora Incident

The Aurora attack that captivated the nation Friday morning was nothing short of domestic terrorism. Sadly thus far it is confirmed that 12 have been killed in the shooting while 70 more were injured, echoing the destruction of the nearby Columbine shooting in 1999. My heart goes out to the families and individuals who will be forever scarred by this heinous act. Thankfully we live in a compassionate and empathetic nation and I anticipate future support in many different forms surrounding the Aurora community in the months ahead.

It is inevitable that this shooting, the worse since the Ft. Hood incident in 2009, will further expand the rift between proponents of anti-gun legislation and constitutionalists. However, it is very important that we, as a nation, examine this attack through an unbiased lens. Due to the suspects obvious premeditation, I surmise in the upcoming weeks a gloomy, nefarious portrait will be painted of his life leading to the shooting. Also peculiar is the lack of astonishment from the suspects mother, who allegedly told officials "You have the right person..." when contacted.

Nevertheless, the crimes this perpetrator has committed are reprehensible and must not be tolerated in our society. From what is known thus far, this tragedy is to be blamed solely on a corrupt individual, James Holmes, not corrupt legislation or lack of legislation. Therefore, until the scales of justice tip against this mans favor, he will continue to be scrutinized and tried in the court of public opinion.

In the meantime, we shall continue to embrace the denizens of Aurora with our thoughts and prayers.